How to take Triphala Guggulu tablets ?

Triphala Guggulu can effectively address various disorders when taken in specific dosages for immediate relief:

  • To treat both bleeding and non-bleeding piles, take 2 tablets of Triphala Guggulu twice daily with Triphala powder decoction, preferably after meals.
  • For digestive issues like constipation and bloating, take 2 tablets of Triphala Guggulu with lukewarm water twice daily after meals.
  • Children should take 1 tablet twice daily, while adults can take 2-3 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals as the recommended dosage.

Dosage: The recommended dosage of Triphala Guggulu varies based on individual factors and the specific health condition. Generally, it is advised to take 2-4 tablets after meals with lukewarm water, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

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